Navigation:PostSort Produktion Hjälp > Printers > Inkjet-layout > Layout >






Register fields show the field names specified at import.


Register fields ending with _ were created by PostSort during sorting. For example HN1_ HN2_ Bunt_.


Free text to be printed on all addresses. E.g. MAGAZINE B.


Add pagination fields to the layout.



PostSort adds a mark to the last product in a bundle during sorting.


In register fields it is called Bunt_ .


With Break Markup you can add your own markup to the layout.


Normal: Marking on all products except those listed in Referes to.

Break: Marking only on what is specified in Referes to.

Referes to can be Bundle, Postcode (when postcode changed), Load carrier.



Text options.


Set the default text options for all fields added to the layout.


Displays available fonts for the selected inkjet printer.


Add bar-coded fields to the layout.


OBS! Some printer models have pre-installed fonts and it is important that PostSort Preparation has the same font set as the printer.

If a font is used in the layout that is not installed in the printer, the printout may be missing text or the printer may report errors.

For questions contact


Adjust fields in the layout.


Save as:




SSave layout.

open saved layout.

close without saving changes.

save and close.


Use layout as a template.





Select all:

Clears all text in the layout.


Redo latest..

Selects everything in the layout.


Zooma layout.


Retrieve image objects (only for some inkjet printers).






Layout menu


Enter font.


Enter a 4-state code.


The requirements for the height and width and placement of the code differ between the different postal operators.

Therefore, check with the relevant postal operator which rules apply to the 4-state code.



Mark the field to be changed to a 4-state code.


Then specify:



Size in mm of the 4-state code.



Height in mm of the 4-state code.



Width in mm of black line in the pair.



Use the function when printing on absorbent material.

It gives the black line the ability to "float out" without affecting the overall width of the pair.


Specify font size.


Enter width of barcode.


Specify whether the font should be Normal, Bold or Extra Bold.


Upper case only.


Limit label length.


 If a field is longer than the limit, the field is cut off when printing.


Move forward or backward in the entries.

Go to the first or last entry.



End field without spaces.

End field with 1 blank step.

End field with 2 blank steps.


Attach field to the left.

Make field standalone.




Merge fields.


Link fields.


Show content / field codes in objects.


 Use display field codes in the layout design as fields that are sometimes empty may not be visible, e.g. c/o.


Copy to clipboard.


Go to address..





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