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Error message saying Address is too long.



If the printers were started when PostSort was open, they have lost the fonts.

Restart PostSort and the fonts will be resent.


Error message saying Print go while typing.



"Print go during printing" means that the printer is instructed to print a new address before the previous address is finished.


Possible causes of errors:

The product is plated but no photocell validation is installed.

The photocell may be dirty or broken.

Paper debris on the tape affecting the photocell.

The band may be frayed.

The pulse sensor may be broken.


Error message saying Print go but nothing to type.



The printer has no address in memory.


Possible causes of errors:

The printer has cleared the address on the tape because:

The photocell may be dirty or broken.

Paper debris on the tape affecting the photocell.

The band may be frayed.

The product is plated but no photocell validation is installed (older installations).


The printer writes nothing and gives an error message saying CTS mask 0x00.



CTS = clear to send.

The error is due to the fact that PostSort has sent an address to the printer but the printer has not acknowledged it.

Addresses 1 and 2 are in the printer and when address 3 arrives it does not want to receive any more.

This error is caused by the pulse sensor not working properly.




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